“Randal & Solveig” - ASIA


EMAIL: nagaminedai@yahoo.com
“Randal & Solveig” and their three children, have been serving in missions in Asia for the past 20 years.
Our personal mission statement is rooted in the verse from Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”  We consider our call to missions to be one where we offer our talents to be used in helping others find healing and compassion.
We work in the countries which surround the Himalayan Mountains. :  We don’t have a personal photograph and at times are intentionally vague for security purposes. Our main work in these restricted locations has focused on education, administration, and various projects related to community development.
While Randal has regional responsibility for follow up of various mission-related projects, Solveig works as a therapist and counselor. The many challenges related to cross-cultural ministry and multiple transitions experienced by many missionary families have made it clear that good counseling skills are a felt need in the mission community.
Through our involvement with our local house church, as well as our work-related responsibilities in project management, administration, and counseling, we aim to act with justice, to show kindness, and to walk humbly with God.
“Randal & Solveig”